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How to Join Windows 8 to Windows 2012 Domain Server

1. Log on to the Windows 8 client computer you want to join to the domain.
2. Make sure you have set static IP and you have the DNS IP address that's pointing to the server.
3. Type domain in the metro UI. Open up the Settings Search and Join a Domain.
4. Select Change, Select the Domain radio button, and type in the domain name.
5. For this tutorial, Im using Domain.local and Press OK.
6. You will be prompted to enter Domain Admin Credentials to join computers to the domain. I will be using my Domain Admin account.
7. If there were no problems with your credentials, follow the prompts to reboot.
8. Once rebooted, Log into the local computer.
9. You can see this by looking at the current username CLIENT-PC\LOCAL-USER.
10. Press the left arrow to switch users. Select Other User.
11. You need to log in using Server2012\Local Username
12. At this point, you are on the domain.

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How to Install Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 Tutorial

  • First Open Server Manager by clicking the icon in the Quick Launch toolbar, or from the Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
  • Wait till it finishes loading, then click on Roles > Add Roles link.
  • In the Before you begin window, click Next.
  1. In the Server Roles window, click on check box to select Active Directory Domain Services, and then click Next.
  2. In the Active Directory Domain Services window read the provided information if you want to, and then click Next.
  3. In the Confirm Installation Selections, read the provided information if you want to, and then click Next.
  4. Wait till the process completes.
  5. When it ends, click Close.
  6. Going back to Server Manager, click on the Active Directory Domain Services link, and note that there’s no information linked to it, because the DCPROMO command has not been run yet.
  7. Go to Start > Run then type DCPROMO then enter the Run command, or click on the DCPROMO link from Server Manager > Roles > Active Directory Domain Services.
  8. Depending upon the question if AD-DS was previously installed or not, the Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard will appear immediately or after a short while. Click Next.
  9. In the Operating System Compatibility window, read the provided information and click Next.
  10. In the Choosing Deployment Configuration window, click on “Create a new domain in a new forest” and click Next.
  11. Enter an appropriate name for the new domain. Make sure you pick the right domain name, as renaming domains is a task you will not wish to perform on a daily basis. Click Next.
  12. Pick a full domain name such as “mydomain.local” or “”.
  13. The wizard will perform checks to see if the domain name is not already in use on the local network.
  14. Pick the right forest function level. Windows 2000 mode is the default, and it allows the addition of Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 Domain Controllers to the forest you’re creating.
  15. Pick the right domain function level. Windows 2000 Native mode is the default, and it allows the addition of Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 Domain Controllers to the domain you’re creating.
  16. Note: If you select “Windows Server 2008″ for the forest function level, you will Not be prompted to pick a domain function level.
  17. The wizard will perform checks to see if DNS is properly configured on the local network. In this case, no DNS server has been configured, therefore, the wizard will offer to automatically install DNS on this server.
  18. Note: The first DCs must also be a Global Catalog. Also, the first DCs in a forest cannot be a Read Only Domain controller.
  19. It’s most likely that you’ll get a warning telling you that the server has one or more dynamic IP Addresses. Running IPCONFIG /all will show that this is not the case, because as you can clearly saw, I gave the server a static IP Address. So, this come from IPv6. I did not manually configure the IPv6 Address, hence the warning. In a network where IPv6 is not used, you can safely ignore this clicking on Yes,the Computer will use a dynamic assigned IP address (Not recommended)
  20. You’ll probably get a warning about DNS delegation. Since no DNS has been configured yet, you can ignore the message and click Yes.
  21. Next, if you want change the paths for the AD database, log files and SYSVOL folder. For large deployments, carefully plan your DC configuration to get the maximum performance.or leave it as default When satisfied, click Next.
  22. Enter the password for the Active Directory Recovery Mode. This password must be kept confidential, and because it stays constant while regular domain user passwords expire (based upon the password policy configured for the domain, the default is 42 days), it does not. This password should be complex and at least 8 characters long (with capital latter, small latter and number combination). I strongly suggest that you do NOT use the regular administrator’s password, and that you write it down and securely store it. Click Next.
  23. In the Summary window review your selections, and if required, save them to an unattend answer file. When satisfied, click Next.
  24. The wizard will begin creating the Active Directory domain, and when finished, you will need to press Finish and reboot your computer.
          Reboot and you will have AD installed on your Win 2008 Server.
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How to Install DHCP on Windows Server 2008 Tutorial

To do Install DHCP, you will need a Windows Server 2008 system already installed and configured with a static IP address and Active directory. You will need to know your network’s IP address range, the range of IP addresses you will want to hand out to your PC clients, your DNS server IP addresses, and your default gateway. Additionally, you will want to have a plan for all subnets involved, what scopes you will want to define, and what exclusions you will want to create.

1. Click on Start then Click on Server Manager, click Roles from the Left  then Click on Add Roles.
2. When the Add Roles Wizard comes up, you can click Next on that screen.
Note: have a static IP address assigned on your server, and a Strong Password.
3. Select the DHCP Server Role, and click Next.
Note: Plan the IP network information, scope information, and DNS information. If you only want to install DHCP server with no configured scopes or settings, you can just click Next.
4.Select the network Connection Bindings by selecting the Network connection that is going to assign IP addresses to your clients then click on Next.
5. Validate Your DNS Settings. to make sure everything is fine.
6. Type the address of the WINS server if you are using one. if not then leave it as default and click next
7. Click on add, to add a DHCP scope.
8. Now Name yous Scope, Type the starting IP range and the ending IP address, subnet mask and default gateway which is optional.
9. Make sure activate the Scope is check. Click OK then Click Next.
10. Then no need to Configure DHCPv6 so click Disable and click next.
11. leave the authorization default and click next. Unless you are a user.
12. Confirm the Installation and click install, and that is it you are Done!
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How to Set up VPN Server on Windows Server 2012

Set up a VPN Server on Windows Server 2012. This tutorial shows you how to install a VPN Server on Windows Server 2012, that's Setting up the firewall and Client computer for a successful connection to the server.

Set up a VPN Server on Windows Server 2012:

1. Open the Server Manager and select Add rolls and features.
2. In “Select installation type” window check Role based or feature based installation. Next.
3. Select the local server in the Select destination server window. Next.
4. Now Select Remote access Role, and click on Add features button. Next.
5. No more features so Im clicking Next in the “Select features” window.
6. Next in the Remote Access window.
7. Select Direct Access and VPN (RAS) under Role Services Window.Next.
8. Leave everything default in the Select role services Window. Next.
9. Click Install in the Confirm Installation selection Window. Then close once it finish the installation.
10. You will now see a Remote access on the left pain, Click on it.
11. Now click on More link, under SERVERS.
12. Click on the Open Getting Started Wizard to complete the VPN configuration.
13. Select Deploy VPN Only
14. This opens the MMC for Routing and Remote Access
15. Right click the server and select Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access
16. This launches the Setup Wizard
17. Since their is only one network interface you will need to choose Custom Configuration. Next
18. Check VPN Access. Next
19. Finish the Wizard.
20. You will need to enable users to Dial-in On a standalone server (default) this can be done in the Computer Management MMC,
if you are in a domain environment you can do this in the User properties of Active Directory.

Define a Static Address ‘pool’

Since you don’t have a DHCP Server in our VPS Environment you have to add a static address pool.
1. Right click on the Remote Access server and select Properties
2. Select the IPv4 tab and select Static address pool

Firewall Settings

Now that your VPN installation is complete you will need to modify your Windows Firewall to allow the VPN traffic You will need to open the following ports.
  1. For PPTP: 1723 TCP and Protocol 47 GRE (also known as PPTP Pass-through
  2. For L2TP over IPSEC: 1701 TCP and 500 UDP
  3. For SSTP: 443 TCP
Windows Firewall
  1. Launch Windows Firewall
  2. Click Allow a program of feature through Windows Firewall
  3. Check Routing and Remote Desktop
  4. Click OK

 Configure the Client Computer

1. Click Start button –> Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Share Center –> Click “Set up a new connection or network” under the “Change your networking settings”.
2.Select ” Connect to a workplace” and click Next.
3. Use my internet connection (VPN) –> Type the IP address and destination name in the box –>
4. Check ‘Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later’ and click Next
5. Now we need to Configure the VPN Connection so right click Properties.
6. Select the Security Tab. in the Data encription drop down Select “Optional encryption (Connect even with no encryption)” Also Check Allow these protocols and place a check on Microsoft CHAP version 2 Click OK.
7. Now Enter your VPN username and password to Connect to the VPN server.
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How to Set Up Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2012

Simple tutorial on How to Set Up Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2012.

1. Click on Add Rolls Features from the Server Manager.
1. From the Dashboard click on “Add roles and features”.  You will be presented with the “Before you begin screen.  Click Next.
2. In the “Installation Type” screen Select “Role-base or feature-based installation”. Click Next.
3. Select a destination server.  This is a new feature of Windows 2012 where you have the ability to deploy roles and features to remote servers and even offline virtual hard disks.
4. In our case, we are selecting the current server from the server pool.Click Next.
5. Select the “Remote Desktop Services” Click Next.
6. Select Remote Desktop Session Host from the Select Roll Services window.
7. You will then be prompted to add features that are required for Remote Desktop Session Host. Click on Add Features. Click Next.
8. Check mark Restart the destination server if require.Click Install.
9. Once the server restart is ready for remote access.
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How to install Active Directory 2012 Domain on Windows Server 2012 Tutorial

First we need to change the computer name.  Windows provides a default name in the form of WIN <random characters>
1. To do it Go to Server Manager > Dashboard screen, click on Local Server and then click on the computer name hyperlink. This will take you to the all familiar System Properties
2. Click Change, enter a Computer Name and then click OK.
3. You will be prompted to restart your computer to apply the changes.  Click Ok and then Click on restart now.
4. After your computer has restarted, we will be presented with the Server Manager Screen.  Now we are ready to configure this server as an Active Directory Controller.
Second Assign a Static IP
1. To do so, from the Server Manager > Dashboard screen, click on Local Server and then click on the Ethernet IP hyperlink.
2. Right click on the Ethernet adapter > Click on Properties from the context menu.
4. In the Ethernet properties select the Internet Protocol version then click on Properties to assign an static IP.
Note: You can use the Gateway IP address as your Primary DNS, Once you install Active Directory and DNS it will change to point to itself.
Third Make sure you have set the proper time and timezone on the server before (AD DS)
Adding the Active Directory Domain Services Role
1. From the Dashboard click on “Add roles and features”.  You will be presented with the “Before you begin screen.  Click Next
2. In the “Installation Type” screen Select “Role-base or feature-based installation”. Click Next
3. Select a destination server.  This is a new feature of Windows 2012 where you have the ability to deploy roles and features to remote servers and even offline virtual hard disks.
4. In our case, we are selecting the current server from the server pool.Click Next
5. Select the “Active Directory Domain Services
6. You will then be prompted to add features that are required for Active Directory Domain Services. Click on Add Features, Click Next
7. If you want to add additional features, you can do so from the next screen, otherwise click Next
8. You will now be presented with the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) screen outlining some information about AD DS and its requirements. Click next
9. You now provided with a summary of installation selections, The installation will now begin
10. Upon completion you will see an installation succeeded message. Click Close.
11. Back in Server Manager, you will notice that AD DS has been added to the left navigation tree. 
12. Click on it and then click on More… on the right navigation pane where it states that Configuration is required for Active Directory Domain Services.
13. In the All Servers Task Details Window, you will click on Promote this server to a domain controller under Action.
14. The Deployment Configuration screen appears and we will select “Add a new forest” as this is the first domain controller.
15. Enter your Root domain name and then click Next.
16. The following screen will then appear in which you will enter and select your Domain Controller Options.
17. You will then get a warning in which you can ignore for now. Click Next
18. The NetBIOS domain name will then be inputted automatically.  In the event of a conflict, it will suggest an alternative by appending the original name with a 0. Click Next
19. Confirm or change the locations of your database folder, log folder and SYSVOL folder. Click Next
20. Review your selections and then Click Next.
21. If all of the prerequisites checks have passed successfully, you will be able to click on Install to proceed. Click Install
22. The installation will now proceed and you will see the progress being displayed.
23. The computer will most likely restart on its own to complete the installation so don’t be alarmed if it does.
Upon restart, you should be able to login using your domain credentials for the user administrator.
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How to Install Windows Server 2012 step by step video tutorial

How to Install Windows Server 2012 this is a step by step video tutorial. Even though the steps haven’t really changed dramatically compared to windows server 2008, the interface has! especially with the new metro look.  So let’s begin Installing Windows Server 2012

How to Install Windows Server 2012 Steps Bellow.
1. The first step is to Boot up from the CD or ISO image and select your language settings.
2. Select your Language and input options and then click on Next.
3. Click Install Now
4. Select the operating system you want to install.  I selected Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate Server with a GUI.  The other option is server core which was first introduced in Windows 2008 and is a minimal install with no GUI but provides remote management through Windows PowerShell and other tools. Click Next
5. Accept the License terms. Click Next
6. We are performing a new installation of Windows Server, so click on Custom.
7. Partition your drives and then click Next.
8. The Installation of Windows then proceeds.
9. The installation will eventually re-start your Windows Server where it will go through the final stages of preparing the environment for first time use.
10. You will eventually be prompted to enter a password for the built-in Administrator account. Click Finish
11. You will now be presented with the new Windows Login Screen, which is a fair change to what we have been accustomed to with previous releases of Windows Server.
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