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How to Join Windows 8 to Windows 2012 Domain Server

1. Log on to the Windows 8 client computer you want to join to the domain.
2. Make sure you have set static IP and you have the DNS IP address that's pointing to the server.
3. Type domain in the metro UI. Open up the Settings Search and Join a Domain.
4. Select Change, Select the Domain radio button, and type in the domain name.
5. For this tutorial, Im using Domain.local and Press OK.
6. You will be prompted to enter Domain Admin Credentials to join computers to the domain. I will be using my Domain Admin account.
7. If there were no problems with your credentials, follow the prompts to reboot.
8. Once rebooted, Log into the local computer.
9. You can see this by looking at the current username CLIENT-PC\LOCAL-USER.
10. Press the left arrow to switch users. Select Other User.
11. You need to log in using Server2012\Local Username
12. At this point, you are on the domain.

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How to Install Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 Tutorial

  • First Open Server Manager by clicking the icon in the Quick Launch toolbar, or from the Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
  • Wait till it finishes loading, then click on Roles > Add Roles link.
  • In the Before you begin window, click Next.
  1. In the Server Roles window, click on check box to select Active Directory Domain Services, and then click Next.
  2. In the Active Directory Domain Services window read the provided information if you want to, and then click Next.
  3. In the Confirm Installation Selections, read the provided information if you want to, and then click Next.
  4. Wait till the process completes.
  5. When it ends, click Close.
  6. Going back to Server Manager, click on the Active Directory Domain Services link, and note that there’s no information linked to it, because the DCPROMO command has not been run yet.
  7. Go to Start > Run then type DCPROMO then enter the Run command, or click on the DCPROMO link from Server Manager > Roles > Active Directory Domain Services.
  8. Depending upon the question if AD-DS was previously installed or not, the Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard will appear immediately or after a short while. Click Next.
  9. In the Operating System Compatibility window, read the provided information and click Next.
  10. In the Choosing Deployment Configuration window, click on “Create a new domain in a new forest” and click Next.
  11. Enter an appropriate name for the new domain. Make sure you pick the right domain name, as renaming domains is a task you will not wish to perform on a daily basis. Click Next.
  12. Pick a full domain name such as “mydomain.local” or “”.
  13. The wizard will perform checks to see if the domain name is not already in use on the local network.
  14. Pick the right forest function level. Windows 2000 mode is the default, and it allows the addition of Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 Domain Controllers to the forest you’re creating.
  15. Pick the right domain function level. Windows 2000 Native mode is the default, and it allows the addition of Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 Domain Controllers to the domain you’re creating.
  16. Note: If you select “Windows Server 2008″ for the forest function level, you will Not be prompted to pick a domain function level.
  17. The wizard will perform checks to see if DNS is properly configured on the local network. In this case, no DNS server has been configured, therefore, the wizard will offer to automatically install DNS on this server.
  18. Note: The first DCs must also be a Global Catalog. Also, the first DCs in a forest cannot be a Read Only Domain controller.
  19. It’s most likely that you’ll get a warning telling you that the server has one or more dynamic IP Addresses. Running IPCONFIG /all will show that this is not the case, because as you can clearly saw, I gave the server a static IP Address. So, this come from IPv6. I did not manually configure the IPv6 Address, hence the warning. In a network where IPv6 is not used, you can safely ignore this clicking on Yes,the Computer will use a dynamic assigned IP address (Not recommended)
  20. You’ll probably get a warning about DNS delegation. Since no DNS has been configured yet, you can ignore the message and click Yes.
  21. Next, if you want change the paths for the AD database, log files and SYSVOL folder. For large deployments, carefully plan your DC configuration to get the maximum performance.or leave it as default When satisfied, click Next.
  22. Enter the password for the Active Directory Recovery Mode. This password must be kept confidential, and because it stays constant while regular domain user passwords expire (based upon the password policy configured for the domain, the default is 42 days), it does not. This password should be complex and at least 8 characters long (with capital latter, small latter and number combination). I strongly suggest that you do NOT use the regular administrator’s password, and that you write it down and securely store it. Click Next.
  23. In the Summary window review your selections, and if required, save them to an unattend answer file. When satisfied, click Next.
  24. The wizard will begin creating the Active Directory domain, and when finished, you will need to press Finish and reboot your computer.
          Reboot and you will have AD installed on your Win 2008 Server.
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How to Install DHCP on Windows Server 2008 Tutorial

To do Install DHCP, you will need a Windows Server 2008 system already installed and configured with a static IP address and Active directory. You will need to know your network’s IP address range, the range of IP addresses you will want to hand out to your PC clients, your DNS server IP addresses, and your default gateway. Additionally, you will want to have a plan for all subnets involved, what scopes you will want to define, and what exclusions you will want to create.

1. Click on Start then Click on Server Manager, click Roles from the Left  then Click on Add Roles.
2. When the Add Roles Wizard comes up, you can click Next on that screen.
Note: have a static IP address assigned on your server, and a Strong Password.
3. Select the DHCP Server Role, and click Next.
Note: Plan the IP network information, scope information, and DNS information. If you only want to install DHCP server with no configured scopes or settings, you can just click Next.
4.Select the network Connection Bindings by selecting the Network connection that is going to assign IP addresses to your clients then click on Next.
5. Validate Your DNS Settings. to make sure everything is fine.
6. Type the address of the WINS server if you are using one. if not then leave it as default and click next
7. Click on add, to add a DHCP scope.
8. Now Name yous Scope, Type the starting IP range and the ending IP address, subnet mask and default gateway which is optional.
9. Make sure activate the Scope is check. Click OK then Click Next.
10. Then no need to Configure DHCPv6 so click Disable and click next.
11. leave the authorization default and click next. Unless you are a user.
12. Confirm the Installation and click install, and that is it you are Done!
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How to Set up VPN Server on Windows Server 2012

Set up a VPN Server on Windows Server 2012. This tutorial shows you how to install a VPN Server on Windows Server 2012, that's Setting up the firewall and Client computer for a successful connection to the server.

Set up a VPN Server on Windows Server 2012:

1. Open the Server Manager and select Add rolls and features.
2. In “Select installation type” window check Role based or feature based installation. Next.
3. Select the local server in the Select destination server window. Next.
4. Now Select Remote access Role, and click on Add features button. Next.
5. No more features so Im clicking Next in the “Select features” window.
6. Next in the Remote Access window.
7. Select Direct Access and VPN (RAS) under Role Services Window.Next.
8. Leave everything default in the Select role services Window. Next.
9. Click Install in the Confirm Installation selection Window. Then close once it finish the installation.
10. You will now see a Remote access on the left pain, Click on it.
11. Now click on More link, under SERVERS.
12. Click on the Open Getting Started Wizard to complete the VPN configuration.
13. Select Deploy VPN Only
14. This opens the MMC for Routing and Remote Access
15. Right click the server and select Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access
16. This launches the Setup Wizard
17. Since their is only one network interface you will need to choose Custom Configuration. Next
18. Check VPN Access. Next
19. Finish the Wizard.
20. You will need to enable users to Dial-in On a standalone server (default) this can be done in the Computer Management MMC,
if you are in a domain environment you can do this in the User properties of Active Directory.

Define a Static Address ‘pool’

Since you don’t have a DHCP Server in our VPS Environment you have to add a static address pool.
1. Right click on the Remote Access server and select Properties
2. Select the IPv4 tab and select Static address pool

Firewall Settings

Now that your VPN installation is complete you will need to modify your Windows Firewall to allow the VPN traffic You will need to open the following ports.
  1. For PPTP: 1723 TCP and Protocol 47 GRE (also known as PPTP Pass-through
  2. For L2TP over IPSEC: 1701 TCP and 500 UDP
  3. For SSTP: 443 TCP
Windows Firewall
  1. Launch Windows Firewall
  2. Click Allow a program of feature through Windows Firewall
  3. Check Routing and Remote Desktop
  4. Click OK

 Configure the Client Computer

1. Click Start button –> Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Share Center –> Click “Set up a new connection or network” under the “Change your networking settings”.
2.Select ” Connect to a workplace” and click Next.
3. Use my internet connection (VPN) –> Type the IP address and destination name in the box –>
4. Check ‘Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later’ and click Next
5. Now we need to Configure the VPN Connection so right click Properties.
6. Select the Security Tab. in the Data encription drop down Select “Optional encryption (Connect even with no encryption)” Also Check Allow these protocols and place a check on Microsoft CHAP version 2 Click OK.
7. Now Enter your VPN username and password to Connect to the VPN server.
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How to Set Up Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2012

Simple tutorial on How to Set Up Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2012.

1. Click on Add Rolls Features from the Server Manager.
1. From the Dashboard click on “Add roles and features”.  You will be presented with the “Before you begin screen.  Click Next.
2. In the “Installation Type” screen Select “Role-base or feature-based installation”. Click Next.
3. Select a destination server.  This is a new feature of Windows 2012 where you have the ability to deploy roles and features to remote servers and even offline virtual hard disks.
4. In our case, we are selecting the current server from the server pool.Click Next.
5. Select the “Remote Desktop Services” Click Next.
6. Select Remote Desktop Session Host from the Select Roll Services window.
7. You will then be prompted to add features that are required for Remote Desktop Session Host. Click on Add Features. Click Next.
8. Check mark Restart the destination server if require.Click Install.
9. Once the server restart is ready for remote access.
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How to install Active Directory 2012 Domain on Windows Server 2012 Tutorial

First we need to change the computer name.  Windows provides a default name in the form of WIN <random characters>
1. To do it Go to Server Manager > Dashboard screen, click on Local Server and then click on the computer name hyperlink. This will take you to the all familiar System Properties
2. Click Change, enter a Computer Name and then click OK.
3. You will be prompted to restart your computer to apply the changes.  Click Ok and then Click on restart now.
4. After your computer has restarted, we will be presented with the Server Manager Screen.  Now we are ready to configure this server as an Active Directory Controller.
Second Assign a Static IP
1. To do so, from the Server Manager > Dashboard screen, click on Local Server and then click on the Ethernet IP hyperlink.
2. Right click on the Ethernet adapter > Click on Properties from the context menu.
4. In the Ethernet properties select the Internet Protocol version then click on Properties to assign an static IP.
Note: You can use the Gateway IP address as your Primary DNS, Once you install Active Directory and DNS it will change to point to itself.
Third Make sure you have set the proper time and timezone on the server before (AD DS)
Adding the Active Directory Domain Services Role
1. From the Dashboard click on “Add roles and features”.  You will be presented with the “Before you begin screen.  Click Next
2. In the “Installation Type” screen Select “Role-base or feature-based installation”. Click Next
3. Select a destination server.  This is a new feature of Windows 2012 where you have the ability to deploy roles and features to remote servers and even offline virtual hard disks.
4. In our case, we are selecting the current server from the server pool.Click Next
5. Select the “Active Directory Domain Services
6. You will then be prompted to add features that are required for Active Directory Domain Services. Click on Add Features, Click Next
7. If you want to add additional features, you can do so from the next screen, otherwise click Next
8. You will now be presented with the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) screen outlining some information about AD DS and its requirements. Click next
9. You now provided with a summary of installation selections, The installation will now begin
10. Upon completion you will see an installation succeeded message. Click Close.
11. Back in Server Manager, you will notice that AD DS has been added to the left navigation tree. 
12. Click on it and then click on More… on the right navigation pane where it states that Configuration is required for Active Directory Domain Services.
13. In the All Servers Task Details Window, you will click on Promote this server to a domain controller under Action.
14. The Deployment Configuration screen appears and we will select “Add a new forest” as this is the first domain controller.
15. Enter your Root domain name and then click Next.
16. The following screen will then appear in which you will enter and select your Domain Controller Options.
17. You will then get a warning in which you can ignore for now. Click Next
18. The NetBIOS domain name will then be inputted automatically.  In the event of a conflict, it will suggest an alternative by appending the original name with a 0. Click Next
19. Confirm or change the locations of your database folder, log folder and SYSVOL folder. Click Next
20. Review your selections and then Click Next.
21. If all of the prerequisites checks have passed successfully, you will be able to click on Install to proceed. Click Install
22. The installation will now proceed and you will see the progress being displayed.
23. The computer will most likely restart on its own to complete the installation so don’t be alarmed if it does.
Upon restart, you should be able to login using your domain credentials for the user administrator.
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How to Install Windows Server 2012 step by step video tutorial

How to Install Windows Server 2012 this is a step by step video tutorial. Even though the steps haven’t really changed dramatically compared to windows server 2008, the interface has! especially with the new metro look.  So let’s begin Installing Windows Server 2012

How to Install Windows Server 2012 Steps Bellow.
1. The first step is to Boot up from the CD or ISO image and select your language settings.
2. Select your Language and input options and then click on Next.
3. Click Install Now
4. Select the operating system you want to install.  I selected Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate Server with a GUI.  The other option is server core which was first introduced in Windows 2008 and is a minimal install with no GUI but provides remote management through Windows PowerShell and other tools. Click Next
5. Accept the License terms. Click Next
6. We are performing a new installation of Windows Server, so click on Custom.
7. Partition your drives and then click Next.
8. The Installation of Windows then proceeds.
9. The installation will eventually re-start your Windows Server where it will go through the final stages of preparing the environment for first time use.
10. You will eventually be prompted to enter a password for the built-in Administrator account. Click Finish
11. You will now be presented with the new Windows Login Screen, which is a fair change to what we have been accustomed to with previous releases of Windows Server.
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E-mail client Mail Server Settings

Hotmail Settings:

As other web based email services, Hotmail is using the HTTP protocol for connecting you to your mailbox. If you want to send and receive Hotmail emails using an email client software, then your software must support Hotmail HTTP access for your email account. Some email clients, such as Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook, offer builtin support for Hotmail accounts, so you only have to select HTTP when you are asked to select your email account type and select Hotmail as the HTTP Mail Service Provider.
Mail Server Settings for Hotmail using the Microsoft Outlook Connector
If you are using Microsoft Outlook & the Outlook Connector, you can define your Hotmail account just like any regular POP3 email account:

Hotmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (logon using Secure Password Authentification - SPA, mail server port: 995)

Hotmail Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (TLS enabled, port 587)

· Yahoo! Mail Settings
Yahoo Mail offers standard POP3 access for receiving emails incoming through your Yahoo mailbox, by using your favorite email client software. To setup your email client for working with your Yahoo account, you need to select the POP3 protocol and use the following mail server settings:

Yahoo Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (SSL enabled, port 465)

Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (SSL enabled, port 995)

POP Yahoo! Mail Plus email server settings

Yahoo Plus Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (SSL enabled, port 995)

Yahoo Plus Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (SSL enabled, port 465, use authentication)

· Google GMail Settings
The Google GMail service offers email client access for retrieving and sending emails through your Gmail account. However, for security reasons, GMail uses POP3 over an SSL connection, so make sure your email client supports encrypted SSL connections.

Google Gmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (SSL enabled, port 995)

Outgoing Mail Server - use the SMTP mail server address provided by your local ISP or (TLS enabled, port 587)

Google Gmail Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):

The Gmail SMTP server requires authentication (use the same settings as for the incoming mail server)

The Google Gmail SMTP Server requires an encrypted connection (SSL) on port 465.

· MSN Mail Settings
The MSN email service allows you to use the MSN POP3 and SMTP servers to access your MSN mailbox.

MSN Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110, using Secure Password Authentication - SPA)

MSN Outgoing Mail Server - (select "My outgoing server requires authentication")

· Lycos Mail Settings
The Lycos Mail Plus service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Lycos mailbox.

Lycos Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)

Outgoing Mail Server - or use your local ISP SMTP mail server

· AOL Mail Settings
The AOL email service is a web based system, designed for managing your AOL mailbox via HTTP IMAP access. Unlike Hotmail, you can use any email client to access your AOL mailbox, as long as it supports the IMAP protocol.

AOL Incoming Mail Server (IMAP) - (port 143)

AOL Outgoing Mail Server - or use your local ISP SMTP mail server

· Mail Settings
The email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your mailbox. Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)

Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server

· Netscape Internet Service Mail Settings
The Netscape e-mail system is web-based, which means you can access their e-mail from any Internet connection. Netscape Internet Service also supports AOL® Communicator, Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft® Outlook Express, and other POP3 e-mail software. The outgoing mail server needs SSL support, so make sure your email client software supports SSL connections over the SMTP protocol.

Netscape Internet Service Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)

Netscape Internet Service Outgoing Mail Server - (port 25, using a secure SSL connection)

· Tiscali Mail Settings
The Tiscali email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Tiscali mailbox.

Tiscali Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)

Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server

· Freeserve Mail Settings
The Freeserve email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Freeserve mailbox.

Freeserve Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)

Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server

· Supanet Mail Settings
The Supanet email service allows you to use POP3 and SMTP servers for accessing your Supanet mailbox.

Supanet Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - (port 110)

Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server

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How to Configure Outlook Express email client

Configuring your email client: Microsoft Office Outlook Express

Method 1: Microsoft Office Outlook 2010

1. Start Outlook.

2. On the File menu, click Info and click Account Settings.

3. Select Account Settings from the list.

4. On the E-mail tab, click New and Select Email Account, and then click Next

5. Click to select the Manually configure server settings or additional server types check box, and then click Next.

6. Click Internet E-Mail, and then click Next.

7. In the Server Information section, select IMAP for Account Type.

8. In the Your Name box, enter your name exactly as you want it to appear to recipients.

9. In the E-mail Address box, type your e-mail address.

10. In the User Name box, type your account name.

11. In the Password box, type your password.

12. In the Incoming mail server box, type the name of your IMAP4 server.

13. In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, type the name of your SMTP server.

Note IMAP4 is a retrieval protocol. You must have SMTP to send your messages.

14. Click Next after you have completed entering this configuration information, and then click Finish.

Method 2: Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

1. Start Outlook.

2. On the Tools menu, click Account Settings.

3. Click New.

4. Click Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP, and then click Next.

5. In the Auto Account Setup dialog box, click to select the Manually configure server settings or additional server types check box, and then click Next.

6. Click Internet E-Mail, and then click Next.

7. In the Server Information section, select IMAP for Account Type.

8. In the Your Name box, enter your name exactly as you want it to appear to recipients.

9. In the E-mail Address box, type your e-mail address.

10. In the User Name box, type your account name.

11. In the Password box, type your password.

12. In the Incoming mail server box, type the name of your IMAP4 server.

13. In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, type the name of your SMTP server.

Note IMAP4 is a retrieval protocol. You must have SMTP to send your messages.

14. Click Next after you have completed entering this configuration information, and then click Finish.

Method 3: Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 and earlier versions of Outlook

1. Start Outlook.

2. On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.

3. Under E-mail Accounts, click Add a new e-mail account, and then click Next.

4. Click IMAP as the type of account that you are creating, and then click Next.

5. In the Your Name box, enter your name exactly as you would like it to appear to recipients.

6. In the E-mail Address box, type your e-mail address.

7. In the User Name box, type your account name.

8. In the Password box, type your password.

9. In the Incoming mail server (IMAP) box, type the name of your IMAP4 server.

10. In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, type the name of your SMTP server.NOTE: IMAP4 is a retrieval protocol. You need SMTP to send your messages.

11. Click Next after you have completed entering this configuration information, and then click Finish.

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How to Configure your email client Eudora 7.0

Now Eudora is popular e-mail client program available for Microsoft Windows. Configuring Eudora 7 for Windows to use your new E-mail account. If you should be problem in

“ Could not connect to ""

Cause: connection timed out (10060) ”

Then try this procedure, it 100% work for you.

Configuring your email client Eudora 7.0

  1. Open Eudora.
  2. Click the 'Tools' menu, and select 'Options.'


  1. Click 'Getting Started' under 'Category'
    • Enter your full name in the 'Real name' field.
    • Enter your full webmail address ( in the 'Email address:' field.
    • Enter '' Like Gmail ( in the 'Mail Server (Incoming):' field.
    • Enter your Login “User Name” in User Name field.
    • Click 'Allow authentication' below 'SMTP Server.'
    • Enter '’ Like Gmail ( in the 'SMTP (Outgoing) Server:' field.


  1. Click 'Checking Mail' under 'Category:.'
    • Set 'Secure Sockets when Receiving' to 'Required, Alternate port'


  1. Click 'Incoming Mail' under 'Category'
    • Optional: If you want to use both Eudora and webmail to check your mail, check the box for "Leave mail on server".
    • Select 'Passwords' for 'Authentication Style.'


  1. Click 'Sending Mail' under 'Category:.'
    • Check the box next to 'Allow authentication.'
    • Set 'Secure Sockets when Sending' to 'Never,' and click 'OK.'
    • Check the box next to "Use submission port (587)" (Check your firewall settings if necessary to enable that port.).


  1. Click 'OK,'
  2. Now go personalities option then “Dominant option”.


  1. Right click on Dominant then click properties.


  1. set 'Secure Sockets when Receiving' to 'Required, Alternate port', And check all check box


  1. et 'Secure Sockets when Receiving' to 'Required, Alternate port'


12. Click ok.

13. Now verify your settings by clicking 'File,' and then 'Check Mail.'

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what is a computer firewall and how does it work

What is Computer firewall:

A wall between the source and the user that blocks a certain type of traffic from reaching its destination is firewall. The firewall protects systems from unauthorized access while maintaining communications with the legitimate ones. A device or a combination of devices configured to allow and reject transmissions in a network on the bases of well-defines rules works as firewall.

A majority of personal computers have built-in firewalls to defend the operating system from illegitimate efforts of transmitting or accessing data. Firewalls do have the capability to perform the routing functions where a number of routers are capacitated to act like firewall filters.

Network traffic has three features: a source, a protocol (typically UDP, TCP or ICMP) and a destination. The UDP and TCP protocols have a source (mostly random) as well as a destination port (a well-known number) for example the destination port of DNS is 53 and the destination port for HTTP is 80. The ICMP protocol carries an ICMP message type; the most common of them are Echo Reply and Echo Request. A firewall protection allows network security administrator to pick which ports and protocols or message types would have access and which would be blocked. Read below to find out how firewall works

How the Firewall Works?

The prime security feature of a firewall is its inbound restriction. A typical firewall configuration abandons all inbound traffic to internal IP addresses. A DMZ network should carry the server that accepts the incoming connections or traffic. Latest firewalls allow in the responses to outbound tariff; the firewalls of computers that are connected to web server via internet would automatically accept responses from the web server that would in turn return to the computer.

Inbound Confinement Example: A “ping” command transmits ICMP Echo Request message and as a response receives ICMP Echo Reply message. For blocking the ICMP Echo Request messages to reach its destination, one has to configure a firewall that would result in failed ping commands. For blocking ICMP Echo Reply messages a firewall could be assembled between the source and the destination to fail all ping commands. A potential attacker is allowed by ping to map the network; for preventing the use of ping command for mapping network disable the inbound Echo Request messages.

The outbound traffic is denied in some network security administrators. The feature forbids users from accessing unapproved protocols while limiting their access to only approved protocols; such restrictions involve avoiding users from online chat or sending outbound emails especially in work places. Such limitations are sensitive to work-around the time and effort of the user necessary to approach a particular protocol via indirect ways thus very few users spent time in figuring out a way. The outbound confinement most of the time works as per design.

Outbound Confinement Example: SMTP protocol that responds to TCP port 25 is used for emails. Blocking the outbound TCP port 25 in your network would disable the users from sending outbound emails except from enabled email servers. An effective work-around the confinement policy is the configuration of mail server to respond to an additional port along with port 25 by an intelligent user.

What are the Types of Firewall?
On the foundation of communication’s situation, its interception and the state firewalls could be classified.

  • The Network Layer Firewall also known as packet filters (in BSD operating systems’ context) works on the low level of the TCP/IP protocol heap which means that none could cross the firewall unless the packets resemble the established rules. Usually default rules are applied but the administrator has authority to modify rules. The Packet Filters have two sub-types. A firewall could make use of a number of packet attributes for filtering traffic such as source port, IP address, destination port or IP address, destination service like FTP or WWW. The process of filtering could be based on protocols of the source such as net block, TTL values and other properties.
    • Stateful Firewalls manages the context of ongoing sessions and process speed packet by the help of state information. In case a packet does not resemble an existing connection then the evaluation would be based on the rules of new connections where the resemblance with the connection on the bases of comparison with the state table of firewall would enable the packet to cross the firewall without any further processing.
    • Faster filters and less memory requirement makes Stateless Firewalls a better option. These firewalls are fundamental for the filtering of stateless network protocols due to no concept of session in their set ups. The firewalls are not clever enough to figure out the extent of communication between the hosts.


  • The Application Layer Firewall functions on the application level of TCP/IP stack such as all telnet or FTP traffic and tap all packets whether travelling from or to an application. They drop other packets without recognition of the sender. These filters are helpful in restricting outbound traffic from approaching the confined machine.


  • The process ID of data packets is examined by the application firewall against a local process’ ruleset implied in data transmission. The rendered ruleset defines the extent to which filtering would be done. In this firewall the ruleset for standard services such as sharing services is very complex. Along with other processes there might occur some possible associations but these ruleset for process has fixed efficiency; it could not defend against modifications that are caused by exploitations such as the exploits of memory corruption.


  • These limitations in the application firewall have triggered the association of a new generation of application named MAC (Mandatory Access Control) or sandboxing in these firewalls in order to secure sensitive services. APPArmor is an example of next generation application firewall that is included in some distributions of Linux.


  • A Proxy Server could be configured to act as a firewall by responding to input packets such as connection requests. The server could serve as an application that runs on software of a machine made for this purpose or on a hardware dedicated to the task thus breaking into the path of other packets so they could not access their destination.
    It would be extremely tough for an external network to temper with an internal system that is synchronized with a proxy server. If the application proxy is accurately configured and intact then the misuse by an external network would not inevitably lead to some security breach exploitation. A system that is in the reach of public might be hacked by intruders who would employee the system as a proxy for their illegitimate motives; in such cases proxy would present that machine as it is to the internal computers. For passing packets to a specific target, hijackers could make use of IP Spoofing.


  • The function of NAT (Network Address Translation) is often installed in firewalls that give private or personalized address range as given in RFC 1918 to the hosts that are secured behind a firewall. The initiative is taken to protect or camouflage the hosts from potential threats.


  • The routable addresses of IPv4, assigned to individuals or organizations to reduce the number along with cost of acquiring such public addresses for every other computer in the building, were the reason behind the designing of a function like NAT. Against network reconnaissance the best defense is to hide the address of protected devices.
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what is spam in computer networking? How spam works?

What is Spam?

When we use different types of technologies related to the field of computer networking, we should know about the different types of advantages and disadvantages of the technologies. As we know that there are lot of advancements in the computer networking field but still these technologies has a security issue in there working. However, one of the major disadvantages of the computer networking is that they can easily affected by different types of methods from different source without the permission of the users. One of them is Spamming. Read further below about what is spam.

An other important types of such infection that can affect the system badly is the Spam. It is the types of messages or the email that can infect your personal computer and decode all the important information related to your computer called as spam. It is that types of system that can infect the PC with the help of different types advertising messages or email downloaded from the net that are unwanted and stored in the email box with out the permission of the user.

How spam Works?
Spam is the type of the unwanted or infected messages that infect the personal computer and slows down the working of the computer. Spam works in number of ways some important that is used by the spammers to spread the spam in enter networks and also in your systems are as follows.

When we move on to the network with the help of different networking devices, there are lot of advertisements present on the internet the can provide some good offers to the customers such as some sale purchase offer or some kind of games etc. But in these advertisements spammers use different techniques to store the infected messages in it and when we click to open the ad, the email works and decode the information and the working of the system become very slow and it can also hijack the personal information of your system. Commonly it is present in the inbox of the users and when the user clicks to read the mail it can infect the whole system with the help of different types of software that can be stored by the spammers in it. And can cause the harm to your operating system at the large extent.

Basically spammers designed the system to spread the different type of emails in the form of spam and then distribute those spam to that site that contains the protection software such as antivirus. And when the users download the protection software, these spam can also downloaded to your system and affect the whole system. Some common types of spam are present almost on every mail site. But the major sources that take part in spreading the spam are the spy wares or ad wares. With the help of such spam the email recommend the site to the user where such kind of dangerous software are present and can be downloaded easily when the user open the site.

Methods Used by Spammers:

Spammers used different ways to get the email address to spread the spam into the mail boxes of different types of users. Some times they can purchase the CD of the email address directly from the company and do there work of spreading the spam easily. Another method that is used by the spammers to search the email addresses is that they designed such system that can search the email address on the internet with the help of @ such sign.

Protection from Spam:

Some protective software and different ways are also adopted to reduce the distribution of spam in the mail boxes. Te easy and the common method to avoid the spam is to use only those email sites that can provided with the spam filters.

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E-mail Attachments Security

Security of email attachments:

Using cautions for sending the email attachments: Cautions are the important tips and measure that should be taken while composing the mail box. And also when attaching any kind of file such as document, jpeg file or data spreadsheets. Cautions must be followed because emails attachments an be dangerous sometimes

Characteristics that makes email Attachments dangerous: There are several factors that make Email attachments dangerous because sometimes the most attractive feature of emails allows different types of attackers to harm your id. some of these features are listed below.

Easy and random circulation: One of the important features of email that makes it dangerous sometime is the easy circulation when you and some attachments in your mail box it can be viewed or forwarded to the different unwanted users. Forwarding of the email quickly entertains viruses to harm your computer system. This happens because the attackers can easily track your address they can easily guess that which uses opens every mail message without bothering the security and the source from where mail is coming from.

Broadcast emails: Broadcast mails are those mails that provide certain kind of message to the users or group of users. They travel randomly within the networks and can carry the infection. Many attackers can also compose these messages to harm the entire network especially in client serve connections all the client systems can get infected easily.

Use friendly options and programs: Many email service providers offers the automatic download of the attachment by just clicking the file .this could also be very harmful for the computer system which can affect the computer file system just in the matter of seconds.

Precautions for the protection: Although transferring information from one place to another and dealing with online files and services can be risky but there are some steps that can be followed for preventing the harmful and spam mails.

Beware of unwanted attachments: always stay conscious for the mail message that are not requested even from the people you know especially mails with the subject from mom, from dad etc .because attacker always tricks  the computer users to trust the mail message easily that they send. It is important because infected attachment can destroy your contact list.

Keep your software/applications up to date: Always keep your system files and operating system up to date, in this way the internal programs can protect the computer from external damages more effectively.

Save and properly scan the attachments before exploring: Before opening the attachments online download it and scan it to know that file your going to open in safe. You can choose good anti virus software for scanning.

Disable the automatic download option: Turn off the automatic download and auto open option to stay safe from infections.

Create separate accounts: Many of the operating systems offers you the multi boot or multi account processing. You can create limited account with restricted privileges. Because some the master infections require administrator privileges for infecting the computer.

Practice additional security features: Now there are many solution and tips for providing high security to your system, you can also try these for good protection .learn and implement the firewall advancements and spam reduction techniques. You can also report the spam to your network administrator in order to review the entire networking for seeking the infection. You must use the licensed anti virus software to provide satisfactory security to you computer.

Browser securities: You can also manage your browser preferences in order to automatically detect the infected or unknown files. Latest browsers have the feature for prompting the infection to the computer user

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What is digital signature ? concept of digital signatures

Understanding digital signature:

Digital signatures are used to present any type of digital data, message or file in the form of numbers or mathematical format. It’s a technique which is used for verifying the authenticity of the message and the user. It tells the receiver of the message that it has been sent by the known source and it also confirms that file is secure to be explored. They are most often used for the financial dealings and transactions and also in some scenarios where the delivery of information is required to be confidential. They can be referred as the type of electronic signatures but we cannot say that all electronic signatures are digital signatures. In some countries of this world they are considered to be the important part and instrument of significance in sensitive issues for instance in US parliament digital signatures of the all the national members are used to authenticate the received information.

Historical Background:

The concept of digital signatures are first originated by the White field Daffier and Martin Hellman in first their scheme was considered useless but with the passage of time the effective algorithms were designed that strongly supported the concept of digital signatures. Later on proper soft wares for data authenticity were developed which became very famous in the world. One of the most famous software for digital signatures is Lotus Notes 1.0 which was officially released in 1989, this software uses RSA algorithm for data cryptography.

How digital signature works:

Digital signature works by the integration of three algorithms which are implemented in a sequence to make the message in the digital signature format. Private, public and corresponding keys are built in digital signatures to enhance the security and authenticity. At first the very first private key that is assigned to the message verifies the authenticity of the public key and after that flexible computational signatures are developed in this way the information become unknown to the irrelevant parties.

Why digital signature are used ?

There are different reasons for which digital signatures are used

Efficiency: Digital signatures are efficient because they are comparatively shorter in length and takes very small portion of the memory the technique for shortening the digital signatures is known as hashing.

More  compatibility: Digital signatures are more compatible because they are operated on domains and are not at all independent. Leading signatures scheme are implemented on the domains. This feature makes the signature much useful.]

Enhanced  integrity: Without the hash function the digital signature offers the enhanced integrity. If the boxes that appear to the receiver in form of sign are not properly arranged then receiver would not be able to recognize the message. This is one of the features that provide good security as well.

Authentication: We have commonly seen that the entire message that is communication contains the information of the entity both at the sender and receivers end. One of the most important purposes of using the digital signature is the authentication of the source of the messages. Secret keys are assigned that can be recognized only by the matching key at the receiver end. This keeps the network threats and unauthenticated and illegal use of the message

Non repudiation: one of the distinguishing feature of digital signatures is that once signed by the entity , it cannot be denied when transmitted over domains

Uses of digital signatures

Digital signatures are used in the aspects of life and world where security matters a lot. Many governmental and confidential organizations prepare their important and private document in the form of digital signature which assures the security.

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What is Cyber Security?

Cyber Security:

Cyber security is an activity or set of activities that involves, protecting, tracking and resolving the cyber threat and also explains how to respond them

Why it is important
We use cyber internet for different purposes and all of the information almost relies on web and computers and its networks such as communication through emails and cell phones, entertainment, data transfer and for record keeping and maintenance. Excess use of computer and internet have made the security essential in every field because online attackers and hackers are also the part of computer network which we never know can see our personal information or can steal our confidential data. Its very important for use to understand the potential risks and basic security measures in order to protect ourselves from the cyber threats.

What risks are involved in cyber security?
Long list of risky factors is there which makes you feel unsafe while dealing with cyber technologies.

One of the most practiced thing or task is the downloading. Internet users allover the world downloads the different kinds of soft wares, music audios/videos, movies, games and many more in bulk quantity every day. Many of them forgets about the risks involves in downloading .the file your saving to your computer system straight from the internet. In spite of using the bets anti virus you still need to be conscious about the security of your computer and files.

Unauthorized purchases:
You have often heard about the fraudulent companies and online platforms that work online and steal the confidential information of the customers who shop, sell or buy stuff online. Your important information or your data can be theft online. In worst scenarios people loss millions of dollars while selling and purchasing through unauthorized websites.

Infected or ,malicious programming snippets:
These are the small codes that are developed transfer viruses or worms of different types to your computer system. They can be generated by the professional computer hackers. These code shave unique features in them viruses are such programs that travel through your network and usually hits your system when some one form you clicks them, but the worms are so powerful that they automatically penetrates into your computer and may erase the important system files may make your system is halted while working. They propagate themselves automatically when you get online.

Trojan horses:
These are such type of dangerous software that damages you behind the screen. It means that at front interface they claim the speeding up or enhancing your RAM cache or downloading speed but at the back end they start stealing and copy your confidential information from your email accounts or computer.

Precaution to stay safe:
Although it’s always risky to work and deal online but if some rules of cyber security are continuously practiced then cyber threat risk could be minimized to some extent .here are some steps to follow.

  • The foremost step is that you must understand the importance and risks of cyber security.
  • After that what kind of hackers or intruders may involve in your dealings. Motivate yourself against the online hackers and be aware of them all the tie even sending a single mail message from your email account.
  • Avoid instant or random clicking in attractive stuff that you see around your mail box screen that may contains win cash prize adds or wok online etc. these fascinating ads may carry infections for your computer.

Always choose the authorized companies for selling and purchasing stuff online. don’t forget to see the privacy policy that they are offering

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Characteristics of information security

What is information security:

In the field of information technology, many technologies are used for the benefit of the people of the present era. Where there are many advantages of the information technology some disadvantages are also present that really throw a bad light on the technological devices and processes. However, the major advantage of the information technology is providing the information security to the data that is used in the transmission of the data or producing the new technical products. It is defined as the technology designed to protect the information from the different types of hackers and the from identity theft and protect your information from unauthorized use is called as information security.

Basically this technology used in the field of computer networking due to its importance in maintaining the security of the information that needs security and confidentiality.

Characteristics of Information Security:

Due the importance of the information security, it has many important features that are really helpful for the protection of the confidential data from leaking and also help to protect from hacking. Some important characteristics of the information security are as follows

  1. Integrity
  2. Confidentiality
  3. Authentication
  4. Management of Risk


Information security plays a very important role in maintaining the security in different types of drastic conditions such as the errors of the integrity. As we know that information, security is used to provide the protection to the documentation or different types information present on the network or in the system. So, there are many viruses that can infect the computer, slows down the working and also break the integrity of the system. Therefore, information security provides the valuable and easy steps to prevent the different types of errors created due to integrity.


Another important characteristic of the information security technology, that it can provide the authentication method to protect the documents or the files from different types of hackers and also protect them from infection of different viruses. In authentication method, information security provides the opportunity to the user that he or she can assign the different types of special or the secret word that is called as password to the required information that has to be protected.


Confidentiality is the process that is used to protect the information on the network by avoids the unauthorized person to see your information on the networking technology such as internet technology. For example, different types of thieves use different types of methods to steel the confidential information on the internet without the knowledge of the person, such as credit card number and steel all the money. However, the information security plays a vital role in preventing the information from the disclosure and unauthenticated use. In addition, your data remain save from different types identity theft technologies used by the thieves.

Management of Risk:

Information security also take part in managing different types of risk that are harmful for the information and can disclose the private or the important information easily. The characteristic feature of the information security is that it is very helpful in removing different types of threats and increases the reliability of the information present on the network, but stopping different spam to infect the information.

Benefits of Information Security:

As we know that information, security plays a very important role in defending the information from different types of disclosure. Therefore, it has several benefits that really encourage us to use information security technology. One of the big and the major advantage of the information security is that it can take steps to prevent different topes of data leakage and increase the reliability of the information. Another benefit of the information security is that it can increase the confidentiality of the document.

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Types of computer security

computer secuirty:

Different types of software or the hardware that are used to protect your personal computer or your network from different types of unauthorized users / spam is called as computer security. As we know that computer networking is the part of the field of science that deals with different type of technologies and applications related to the field of computer networking. This branch of science is referred to as information technology.

This branch is used in developing the new applications of computer. There are many types of technologies that have a great impact in the development of the new applications of the computer networking for the sake of humanity has some disastrous security problems. So, to save these kind of information from different type publications computer network security is of vital importance.

Types of Computer Security:

There are several types of computer securities that are completely based on protecting from different types of viruses and Trojans. Some common types of computer security are as follows

  • Network security
  • Data security

Network Security:

A common type of computer security is to deal with the network security. It is that type of security that is required to secure the networking media from different type of viruses and also many other forms of threats to keep the working of computer  networking smoothly. Having set right kind of network security assures the stable working of computer network.

Data Security:

Another important form of the computer security is the data security. It is defined as the type of security that is used to protect the important data present on different drives of the computer from different types of threats through different types of software/hardware solutions such as Antivirus and firewalls etc.

You can refer to menu for advance topics like what are firewalls and how to configure them.

Working Description:

The basic aim for applying computer security is to keep computer network stable and running without interruption of intruders, there are software available to perform tasks which help in achieving this goal. There are many types of antivirus software that are used from protection of different types of information and the data storage on the drives of the computer. These anti viruses also plays a vital role in detecting different types of virtues, Trojans, spy wares, Ad wares and many other form that are harmful for the computer data and also for the computer network stability. Computer security software first help in detecting the viruses and malware then remove these viruses from the network or from the hard drive. Computer security is completely based on the following three steps i.e.

  1. Confidentiality

Protect different type confidential documents from unfair use and also help in reducing theft of documents.

  1. Authentication

User name and passwords used of the choice of the user to protect the file or protect the access to the network is called as authentication.                

Why Computer Security Important:

Computer security is important because it can provide the opportunity for the users to protect their important information present on the network and also in the system. It also helps in defending the computer system against different types of destructive technologies and protects the PC from damage. It also help in monitoring the network and protect it also from different threats. So, we should use computer security solution on some level to protect our data from different type of sniffing stolen problems.

Future of Computer Security:

Future of the computer security seems quit bright, as it is in the need of development of the new and better technologies and applications for network security for future. There are going to lot more network attacks in organizations, on world’s busiest servers and websites. To ensure the security of such networks and its users on to global scale of "Internet" it is very important to come up with invincible solutions to counter the attacks of intruders.

On the other hand computer security is ongoing and everlasting game. Even if we find a solution to current disastrous condition of viruses, worms and other security threats to our networks, we will have to encounter much worst and dangerous malware and virus in future, which will keep our computer networks security personals on their toes.

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Important Advantages of WiMax Technology

Wimax Advantages

Wimax stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access services brings long time term evolution in wireless data market. WiMax Technology is facing many hurdles in market while it has some great advantages which make it a technology of todays. The advantages of Wimax Technology are discussed in details below.

Wimax Coverage:

The single station of Wimax can operate and provide coverage for hundred of users at a time and manage sending and receiving of data at very high speed with full of network security.

Wimax High Speed:

The High speed of connectivity over long distance and high speed voice makes it more demanded in hardly populated areas plus compacted areas.

Multi-functionality within Wimax Technology:

Wimax Technology perform a variety of task at a time such as offering high speed internet, providing telephone service, transformation of data, video streaming, voice application etc.

Potential and development:

Wimax Technology is a great invention for new Era because Wimax has enough potential for developing and opportunity to offer various types of services for new generation. Now you can connect internet anywhere and browse any site and make possible online conference with mobile internet, multimedia application never let you bored, IPTV stay you up to date etc.

Stay in touch with end user:

Wimax network always keep stay in touch with your friends and all others using same Wimax network because it provide absolute communication service to the end users to make possible rich communications.

Wimax Infrastructure:

Wimax infrastructure is very easy and flexible therefore it provides maximum reliability of network and consent to actual access to end users.

Wimax, cheap network :

Wimax is a well known wireless network now days because it provide a low cost network substitute to internet services offered via ADSL, modem or local area network.

Wimax Rich Features:

Wimax Technology is offering rich features which make it useful. Wimax offers separate voice and data channel for fun, the semantic connection make your network more secure then before, fast connectively, license spectrum, liberty of movement etc.
Wimax and Wifi:

The Wimax network providing much higher speed and very long range as compared to WiFi Technology.

Smart antenna and Mesh Topology:

The use of smart antenna in Wimax network offering high quality widest array which enable you to make possible communication on long route without any encryption. It offers 2.3, 2.7, 3.3, 3.8GHz frequency ranges. The use of Mesh topology in Wimax network for the expansion is an extensive spectrum of antennas for commercial as well as for residential users.

Ultra wide Band :

The unique and excellent infrastructure of Wimax is offering Ultra-Wideband. Its exclusive design is providing range from 2 to 10 GHz and outstanding time response.

Homeland Security:

Security options of Wimax Technology also offer very high security because of encryption system used by Wimax. The Wimax is providing exclusive homeland security. Now you can exchange your data on whole network without any fear of losing data.

Lack of history:

The best advantage of Wimax vendor technology is lack of history within mobile industry for protection. Wimax push the existing technologies and forward on steady stream. Only Wimax technology offers first major mobile standard to all mobile broadband infrastructures. It is a foremost mobile transporter. WiMAX technology support both wireless and wired network including cable operator which are now successful due to core networks of Wimax.

In short Wimax have great advantages such as it has ability to perform an exclusive list of services over a single station. Wimax decrease in operating and capital expenditure. The development of application is often a competitive edge.

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Deployments of Wimax Technology

Wimax Deployments:

Wimax Technology is a great development in wireless technology offering long distance broadband access. After viewing the rapid growth of Wimax technology in large business companies, multimedia project software and hardware manufacturer start to develop and test the compulsory components to deploy a Wimax Technology network. Large business corporations such as Intel, Samsung, Motorola and others have commenced worldwide deployment.

In 2004  leapfrogging cables and DSl technologies used to fetch wireless broadband access to rural areas and in 2009 Wimax technology widely spread in all over the world. Fixed wimax technology introduced in 2008. The rapid development of both Wimax technologies will be rolling out in coming days. For Wimax deployments; Asia and Amrica working as a testing ground because in Taiwan, Pakistan, South Africa, Vietnam, and Nigeria Wimax technology take start and now the growth or accomplishment of Wimax deployments covering whole world. At the moment Wateen Technologies deployed Wimax Network in Pakistan that is one of the largest Wimax network in the world. In united state Sprint, clearwire and Nextel communications have already bought up the available spectrum and Wimax wireless technologies has been start in many urban and metropolitan areas. It is more expected that Wimax Technology will take over the mobile industries. The Wimax deployment skill set to overcome the digital divide because of easiness and efficiency. The Wimax deployments going on today throughout the world are under as.

Wimax Deployments in Lao Cai, Vietnam:

Lao Cai is a maintained area located on Chinese border in Vietnam. It has round about 600,000 populations been most community is very poor. Intel, USAID, and VDC get on partnership to bring broadband and VoIP services via Wimax technology in region in 2004. The objective behind this partnership is that to encourage overseas investment and promote economic development in a region. Than Lao Cai had attractive good mobile phone exposure in the region. The wimax network contains a single base station bound to provide internet access via a fiber optical backhaul. Wimax deployment is offering services in the city and nearby areas. In urban areas VoIP services would also be put in practice which offering telecommunication services specially when there is never had a phone. In the Wimax deployment there is a base station which has an antenna that installed up to 70 meters on a telecommunications tower. In Internet cafĂ©, government offices, schools, health centers, and farm about 20 modem installed and sip phone provided to each site. Then within local PSTN a line up VoIP switch and gateway connected which are located 300 miles away. Now the community of Lao Cai makes progress   with broadband and telecommunication transportation. Nowadays Intel which is a leader to introduce this technology is thinking to implement Wimax deployment in nearby areas to get better economical status and for this it providing satellite backhaul for VoIP and broadband access.

Wimax Deployments in Gauteng, South Africa:

The deployment of Wimax technology is beginning in Gauteng which is the province of South Africa. Gauteng is a large industrial region and Pretoria and Johannesburg are its popular cities. Almost in 150 countries Wimax deployment has been established and a WiMAX business market share of over 60% within 3.5 GHZ frequency range. Wimax broadband access is offering multimedia internet, Voice and data services. According to a report internet carry on to achieve approval in South Africa. This has socio-economic implication that goes ahead of the ideological or moral with very real insinuation for the development of the Internet economy in South Africa. The deployment of WiMAX technology is an inexpensively practicable means to recommend equivalent access for all.

Wimax Deployments in the United States:

Clearwire and Sprint Nextel have been buying up Wimax spectrum in the united states. They both creating a large metropolitan market and offering 2.5 GHz frequency to 30 million users at the end of 2010. Sprint also choose the Wimax format for 4G network and Nokia, Samsung, Intel and Motorola may be excepted partner in wireless broadbandscheme. The subscriber base of Clearwire is round about 200,000 and now focusing on the urban market because in rural areas there are no broadband internet services. Clearwire is playing a major role to promote Wimax Technology market and be expecting to be capable to roll out their networks more rapidly.

According to a 4G research report almost 600 Wimax deployments are now alive by the end of 2009. Therefore Wimax deployment may exceed HSPA deployment because by HSPA and LTE. There are only 300 cellular networks are alive and only 70 operators have committed with them for the deployment of Wimax technology. The rapid growth of Wimax is due to wide range of coverage not only in specific areas but also in urban or rural areas. In 2011 it is expected that Wimax deployment will increase more vastly than before because of its significant features.

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WiMax Coverage Areas

WiMAX Coverage:

In this present era there is need of two things; speed and mobility and these two factors knock the door at Coverage. For speed there is broadband and for mobility there is WiFi/ Wireless networks. Now the only way to get both things together is to merge them and now we have WiMAX that boast both speed and mobility combined together with wider WiMAX coverage. The standard is set for this new technology and speed is also guaranteed as it goes for the last mile when there is requirement to send data. IP protocol has been utilized to attain the broadband characteristic over the WiFi networking since the WiMAX technology introduced to provide last mile WiMAX coverage.  

WiMax coverage is approximately 40 Mbit/s and is going to touch 1 Gbit/s for fixed users in the near future. Similarly, fixed users can access WiMAX  and it ranges 50 km or in other words 30 miles. The case for the mobile user is different. It could not go to that extent as stationary customers. For mobile users the WiMax coverage is 5-15 km or 3-10 miles. Here you can see that WiFi is already there to provide around 30-100 m or 100-300 feet which is much higher than WiMAX. The main reason as preferring WiMax is that it is receiving high frequency band to operate. It supports all frequencies to perform wireless function well n good.

WiMAX as a wireless broadband service is welcoming by the customers in perspective of speed and reliability. It works as a wireless backhaul, supports broadband connection and also acts hot spots. It is quite familiar to WiFi but gives better coverage when compared.
WiMAX is going to give tough competition to the DSL operators with quality service and broadband connectivity. It is also very cheap as compared to WiFi and other internet service providers. It is only profit-oriented service.

It is acting as a backhaul for previous all wireless standards for up-gradation. It is good when talk about services like VoIP, IPTV and data transmission.

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Which Type of Service provides Wimax Technology? Wimax Services

Wimax Services:

WiMAX is a new wireless technology which provides Mobility, Coverage,Maintainability, Roaming Services etc. Wimax offers both point to point data transformation known as fixed Wimax. It also provide full cellular type mobile data services refers to Mobile Wimax. Wimax offer point to point or point to multipoint network. It employs radio signal which carry both voice and data signals. Wimax technology offers various types of high value services for the ease and multi-tenancy expansion. Wimax services totally change the way of living. The most valuable services offered by Wimax are under.

Data and networks:

Wimax network is offering a network which meets your todays and future need. The cabling system of wimax network are appropriately planned, managed and installed. It provides accurate proficiency in telecommunications and latest technology of hub and routers to get best result during broadcasting. Wimax services make available a customized network for home, business and others.

CCTV Surveillance:

Wimax network is allowing various types of devices to communicate. Wimax Services facilitate you with security cameras through which you can secure your business such as colleges, school, offices, shopping mall, jewelry shops, mobile shops etc. Wimax services also providing time lapse security recorder for your home or business security, spy security cameras which can protect you from spy, nanny cam, monitors and other equipments through which you can secure your home or any type of business without any fear of theft and make confident about security conditions.

Home Automation:

Wimax services offering home automations such as home theatre technology which enable you to get full cinema experience with plasma screen, high quality sound, best quality DVD player and recorder, Through Wimax services you can enjoy long time fun with music, TV cable, and FM radio. Wimax services offering a well design system, wiring installment etc according to client needs and requirements.

Access Control:

The Access control system presented by Wimax services permit the flow of personal data into a site and encrypted unwanted visitors to save your data. Wimax services are providing a range of access control system such as pin codes, swipe card and proxy readers. The CCTV, time and attendance records offered by Wimax services can be incorporated into other systems in the building.


The intercom systems for Wimax services permit inhabitants to speak via a call station with visitor. Intercom systems linked to an internal unit within a handset and control functions. After confirmation of visit the host may allow the visitor to enter home by releasing electronic door. The use of intercom is increasing with the passage of time in big hotels, restaurants, educational institute, collages, universities etc and it is only possible by Wimax services.   


Security is such a considerable Wimax service which provides full security with well thought-out wiring for telephone, video, and LAN. It is possible via home theatre and multi room audio. It also provides advanced lighting control via build up system. The other services are control of blinds, flow of water, air conditioning, keyless entry and security, exhaust fans, ceiling fans, and lots of other electric devices from touch screens. The fire alarm, smoke, and heating system, utility bills, and other multimedia equipments are great services provided by Wimax.

In short Wimax Services facilitate you with up-to-date equipments, facilities, and customised solutions for upcoming challenges. Wimax services solutions make possible the network connectivity without any cable and high quality of access including PC platforms, notebook etc. Wimax technology makes our lives more comfortable and tension free. Wimax services are providing inflexible performance with superior security, supple connectivity at business work, at building, or on the road.

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